Mr. Ruiz is in trouble

If you got here by chance, out of curiosity, through pure serendipity, as a result of procrastination… or if you just have no clue how you got here, we can tell you that this website was created for a workshop on gamification to be carried out in Bilingual schools, either in the subject of English as a Foreign Language or in any other non- linguistic areas in this language.
This workshop will be taking place on November 6th, 2018 at CFPI in Valladolid.

I’m David Ruiz, the author of this website and the contents of this course, and I strongly believe that the best way to learn new things is just by experiencing them. Therefore, the only way I can explain what gamification is and what it means, is by following a gamified structure.
All participants will be expected to overcome a series of challenges on the website so as to have access to the different contents, this way they will actually experience the pros and cons of a gamified structure.
This is a Creative Commons project, and you are free to use the materials on the website, however I’d appreciate if you mention the source (I am sure you would do so anyway) and of course, if you have any question or wish to contact me, do not hesitate to email me or find me on Twitter: @dondavidruiz.