Mr. Ruiz is in trouble

Excellent! Congrats to all the groups for your effort. Actually, you are all very “cool”.
In fact, you should all work as a big team if you want to overcome this last challenge.

While you were engaged learning about Gamification and having a competition in order to be the most popular group, the SuperVillains, (a new group which has been working with you today) , has locked you up in the CFPI building. You just have 45 minutes to get the password that opens the box.
Inside that box you will find the key of the building that will allow you to go out the building before a bomb explodes. They hid a bomb in the building so that you don’t survive as they want to be the main characters of Mr. Ruiz’s Gamification.
The first group in the ranking will have the privilege to have the key of the box that has everything you need to go out CFPI building before your time ends.
Just in the moment the group opens the box, your time for escaping will start.

Be patient, be organized, talk to each other and try to keep calm.
You are the last hope of Gamification!